Monday, January 16, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Forestry Day at Hood Scout Reservation
Forestry Day at Hood Scout Reservation
'Who: Buy Scouts, Webelos, Scuuters VVhat: Forestry Day at Hood Scout Reservation When: Saturday, February 11, 2012; 8:30 am until 4 pm Where: Hood Scout Reservation Objective: Boy Scouts earn Forestry Merit Badge; Webelos earn Forester Activity Badge Cost: $10.00 per participant. Includes Lunch, Event patch, Program materials
The Andrew Jackson Council Activities committee has approved a new activity for Scouts and Wehelos at Hood Scout Reservation. Forestry Day will provide a great outdoor experience for Scouts, Webelos, and Scouters to learn about Forestry from experts of the Mississippi Forestry Commission and spend a day andior the weekend at Hood Scout Reservation. Units may campout during this weekend. A camp use permit will be required for units planning to campout on Friday and/or Saturday night.
Scouts and Webelos are encouraged to participate in Forestry Day as an opportunity to learn about the outdoors, participate in hands-on activities such as What Is F0restry?, Tree Identification, Tree Planting, and complete requirements to earn badges.
Please visit the Andrew Jackson Council website, ww.bsa~jacks.0rg to register and pay the activity fee of $10.00 per person. If you are unable to register online, enclosed is a registration form for your unit. Please complete the form, enclose the appropriate fees and submit to the council service center by no later than Monday, February 6, 2012.
We believe that this will be an outstanding activity for our Scouts, Webelos, and Scouters. We look forward to seeing you and your Scouts at Forestry Day at Hood Scout Reservation on Saturday, February 12, 2012.If you have any questions and/or need any additional information; please contact Mike Tischer at the Council Service Center at 601-948-6111.
Yours in Scouting,
Council Activities Chairman
Preparing Young People For Life
2012 Forestry Day at Hood Scout Reservation
Saturday, February 11, 2012
9:00 am-4:00 pm
(Registration begins at 8:30 am)
Registration fee is $10.00 per person. Piease list all participants, Scouts and Leaders
Troop/Pack Number Total Registered at $10.00 per person
(All fees are due by Monday, February 6, 2012. Fee includes lunch, patch, event insurance, and program materials. Due to the number ofpmficzjprmts, we will be unable to accommodate walk-ins.)
2013 National Jamboree

From: Dr. Steve Zachow, Council National Jamboree Chairman
Subject: 2013 National Jamboree information
Date: January 2, 2012
The 2013 National Jamboree will be held about 18 months from now, July 15-24, 2013. Every day we receive exciting news about all of the great things that are planned for this once in a lifetime event. This janlboree will be very special as it will be held at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia, the newest high adventure base of the Boy Scouts of America and permanent site of the National Jamboree.
The National Jamboree is 2 unique experience that supplies a lifetime of memories, friendships, and experiences that only Scouting provides. Everything that is Scouting is represented at the National Jamboree. We want to invite you to participate in the largest Scouting event in the history of the Boy Scouts of America.
The Andrew Jackson Council has been allocated two troops and two Venture patrols for the 2013 National Jamboree. Each troop will consist of 36 Scouts and 4 Scouters. Venture Patrols will consist of 8 crew members and 2 Crew advisors.
The Council National Jamboree Committee has selected two outstanding Scoutmasters to lead our two National Jamboree Troops. They are Mr. Andy Talley, Scoutmaster of Troop 8, and Mr. Chris Gibbs, Troop Committee Chairman of Troop I64. These Scouters have recruited excellent Assistant Scoutmasters and are really excited about this National Jamboree. We will be selecting the Venture Crew leaders in the near future.
0 12 years old by the July 15, 2013 0 11 year old that has graduated from the grade by July 15, 2013 0 Not reached age 18 by July 24, 2013
The total fee for the 2013 National Jamboree is $1,800.00 per participant. This includes the National Jamboree fee, food, transportation, lodging, and scheduled activities. The fee does not include personal items and spending money.
Applications for the Jamboree must be submitted online at \v.;'nb.0:. Anyone interested must visit the website and apply. Applications are being received daily and our allocation is limited. So sign up today and get ready to Go Big. Get Wild. Once you have applied, your application will be sent to the Council for approval. Your approval will be sent to you by email.
contingent. Then the following monthly payment schedule may be used.
Registration = application and $300.00 deposit
February 2012 $100.00 September 2012 $100.00 March 2012 $100.00 October 2012 $100.00 April 2012 $100.00 November 2012 $100.00 May 2012 $100.00 December 2012 $100.00 June 2012 $100.00 January 2013 $100.00 July 2012 $100.00 February 2013 $150.00 August 2012 $100.00 March 2013 $150.00
Each participant must be current on their Jamboree payments as scheduled payments must be made to the National Council. Anyone registering in January 2012 will be current when they pay the $300.00 deposit. Anyone registering after January 2012 will need to pay the $300.00 deposit and the total amount due at the time of registration per the above schedule.
If you have any questions and/or need any additional information; please contact Mike Tischer, National Jamboree Staff Adviser at the Council Service Center at 601-948-6111. Or 601-596-3875. See you at the Summit for the 2013 National Jamboree.